Ganesha Elixir


Aromatic symphony

Masculine Root Chakra / Masculine Energy Wheel of the root

Meet Ganesha, one of the most revered deities in Hinduism, who embodies the energies of wisdom, prosperity and good fortune. A symbol of inner strength and overcoming obstacles, Ganesha is often invoked to start new projects or overcome challenges.

Composants: Pinus strobus, citrus reticulata, pogostemon cablin, cananga odorata


Who is Ganesha?

Each element in the iconographic representation of Ganesha carries a profound symbolic meaning. Here’s what these elements generally mean:

  1. Elephant head: Ganesha’s elephant head symbolises wisdom and intelligence. The elephant is known for its exceptional memory and ability to overcome obstacles, both of which are qualities associated with Ganesha.
  2. Human body: The human body symbolises earthly existence and the importance of living a balanced earthly life while pursuing spirituality.
  3. Belly: Ganesha’s big belly symbolises generosity and wholeness. It is also sometimes interpreted as the ability to assimilate or digest all of life’s good and bad experiences.
  4. Four arms: Ganesha’s four arms represent the four aspects of the human soul: mind, intellect, ego and consciousness. In each hand, he usually holds symbolic objects, such as an axe to sever the bonds of attachment, a lasso to pull the seeker towards the truth, a bowl of sweets symbolising the rewards of sadhana (spiritual practice), and a broken tusk representing sacrifice for the good of others.
  5. A single tusk: Ganesha is often represented with a single tusk, the other being broken. This symbolises the notion of duality in life (good and evil, true and false, etc.) and the fact that Ganesha has overcome this duality.
  6. The mouse: The mouse is the vehicle (vahana) of Ganesha. It symbolises desire, which can cause great chaos if left unchecked. The fact that Ganesha rides a mouse symbolises his ability to control desire, overcome obstacles and maintain balance in life.

It is important to note that the interpretation of these symbols may vary slightly according to different Hindu traditions and texts.

Ganesha Elixir

offers support for

Overcoming obstacles with wisdom

Ganesha is often invoked to help overcome obstacles (Vighnaharta) and is also associated with wisdom, intelligence and prudence. He helps to release the vital energy known as kundalini.

Starting a new project, a new life, a new book, a new creation

Ganesha is known as the "Lord of Beginnings" and is generally honoured at the start of rituals and ceremonies. He is also invoked as the "patron of letters" at the beginning of writing or reading.

Land anchor

The root chakra is also associated with the earth element, symbolising stability and anchoring. Ganesha, often depicted seated or even lying down, is considered a symbol of stability and patience, which corresponds well to the symbolism of the Muladhara.

Cutting ties to free yourself

Cutting ties to free yourself from toxic relationships or things or people that no longer have any reason to exist in the present moment.

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