Yohanan Elixir


Aromatic symphony

Meet Saint John the Baptist, known in Hebrew as Yohanan, the central figure heralding the arrival of Jesus. His baptism as Christ in the Jordan is a pivotal moment, symbolising Jesus’ introduction to his public ministry. His life embodies the principles of humility, courage and truth, making him an eternal spiritual guide for those seeking to prepare the way for a profound inner transformation and acceptance of the divine.

Composants: Citrus limon, cedrus atlantica, mentha x piperita, boswellia carteri, chamaemelum nobile, myrtus communis


Who is Yohanan?

John the Baptist, named Yohanan which means “grace of God”, is a central figure in the New Testament. His birth, foretold by the Angel Gabriel to his father Zechariah, was a miracle because his parents, Zechariah and Elisheva, were old and childless due to Elisheva’s sterility. Gabriel announced that Yohanan would be filled with the Holy Spirit from his mother’s womb and that he would bring many of the sons of Israel back to the Lord their God. Zechariah, sceptical about this announcement, became mute until the birth of his son. When Yohanan was born, Zechariah’s speech was restored and he blessed God. This marked the beginning of a new spiritual era, symbolised by the transition of the priesthood from the era of the ram to that of the era of the fish, a transition that would be reflected in the practices and symbols of the first Christians.

As an adult, Yohanan lived as an ascetic in the Judean desert, eating locusts and wild honey. Dressed in camel skin and a leather belt, he preached the imminent coming of Christ and baptised crowds in the River Jordan, a symbolic act of purification and spiritual renewal. Yohanan’s baptism of Jesus marks a turning point in Jesus’ public life, with the descent of the Holy Spirit in the form of a dove. A prophet with a piercing gaze, Yohanan was not afraid to denounce injustice, particularly that of King Herod, which led to his imprisonment and eventual beheading on the orders of Salome, Herodias’ daughter. His courage and dedication to the truth make him an emblematic figure of the transition between the Old and New Testaments.

Yohanan Elixir

offers support for

Oral expression

Express yourself with assurance and clarity, use the right words, speak publicly with ease, express yourself with confidence in a group setting. Helps dissolve any obstacles of communication such as language barriers. Helps you speak your truth, in all circumstances, in a direct but gentle manner.

Express and clarify your emotions

Helps you find the right words to express what you feel in your heart, helps evacuate painful or unbalanced emotions without hurting anyone.


Helps purify and cleanse your etherial and physical body from any blocage that is caused by so-called โ€œnegativeโ€ emotions such as sadness, anger or rancour (emotions that scar the throat chakra).

Open up to universal communication

A human being is naturally able to feel connected to all that surrounds us and everything that lives on this planet or beyond, as well as communicating with the elements. If we want to evolve, it is essential we reconnect to a larger, more intuitive sense of communication and let all of our senses express themselves.

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